Git best Practices for Safe Collaboration

How to use Git safely in a development team

Gustavo Espíndola
5 min readMay 11, 2024

TL;DR | Version control systems like Git are essential for collaborative software development. Git allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, track changes, and merge their contributions seamlessly.

However, improper usage of Git can lead to conflicts, data loss, and other issues that can disrupt the development workflow. In this article, we’ll explore best practices for using Git safely in a development team.

Why Use Git?
Git is a distributed version control system that provides several benefits for development teams:

  • Collaboration. Git enables multiple developers to work on the same project concurrently, merging their changes seamlessly.
  • Versioning. Git keeps track of every change made to the codebase, allowing you to revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Branching. Git’s branching model allows developers to work on features or bug fixes in isolated branches, reducing the risk of conflicts and ensuring code stability.
    Distributed Nature. Git is a distributed system, meaning each developer has a complete copy of the repository, ensuring data redundancy and enabling offline work.

Pro Tip
> Use an AI Git Assistant

Git pull?
The git pull command performs a merge operation, which can create a new commit that combines the remote changes with your local changes. This can lead to a cluttered commit history, making it difficult to understand the changes made and track issues.

One common mistake developers make is using the git pull command to fetch and merge remote changes into their local repository. The git pull command is a combination of git fetch and git merge, which can lead to unexpected merge conflicts and a messy commit history.

Git pull — rebase
Instead of git pull, it’s recommended to use git pull — rebase. This command first fetches the remote changes, then rebases your local commits on top of the remote branch. Rebasing essentially reapplies your local commits on top of the remote branch, creating a linear commit history that is easier to understand and maintain.

git pull --rebase

Dealing with Conflicts
When working with multiple developers, conflicts can arise when two or more people modify the same lines of code. Git will detect these conflicts, and you’ll need to resolve them manually. Here are some tips for dealing with conflicts:

Use a Merge Tool
Git provides a built-in merge tool, but you can also use third-party tools like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Merge, or DiffMerge to resolve conflicts visually.

Communicate with Your Team
If you’re unsure how to resolve a conflict, communicate with your team members to understand the context and make an informed decision. After resolving conflicts, make sure to test your code thoroughly to ensure that the changes haven’t introduced any new bugs or issues.

Git Merge vs. Rebase
Git provides two main ways to integrate changes from one branch into another: git merge and git rebase. While both commands achieve the same goal, they have different implications for the commit history and workflow.

  • Git Merge. The git merge command creates a new commit that combines the changes from two branches. This preserves the commit history but can lead to a more complex and non-linear history.
  • Git Rebase. The git rebase command applies your local commits on top of the remote branch, creating a linear commit history. This can make the history easier to understand, but can also rewrite commit hashes, which can cause issues if you’ve already shared your commits with others.
    The choice between git merge and git rebase depends on your team’s preferences and the specific situation. In general, it’s recommended to use git rebase for local, private branches and git merge for integrating public branches or when collaborating with others.

Final Tips and Summary
Using Git safely in a development team requires following best practices and establishing clear guidelines. Here are some final tips:

Establish Git Workflow Guidelines, define a consistent Git workflow for your team, including branching strategies, commit message conventions, and code review processes.
Use Pull Requests, utilize pull requests or merge requests to review code changes before merging them into the main branch. This helps catch issues early and ensures code quality.
Keep Commits Small and Focused, break your work into small, focused commits that address specific tasks or issues. This makes it easier to review and revert changes if needed.
Regularly Pull and Push Changes, regularly pull and push changes to keep your local repository in sync with the remote repository, reducing the risk of conflicts.
Use Git Hooks to allow you to automate tasks like running tests, linting, or code formatting before committing or pushing changes, ensuring code quality and consistency.

By following these best practices and establishing clear guidelines, your development team can leverage the power of Git while minimizing the risks of conflicts, data loss, and other issues. Effective collaboration and version control are essential for successful software development projects.

| Command | Explanation |
| --- | --- |
| `git init` | Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. |
| `git clone` | Creates a local copy of a remote repository. |
| `git add` | Stages changes for the next commit. |
| `git commit` | Records staged changes to the repository. |
| `git status` | Shows the current state of the working directory and staging area. |
| `git log` | Displays the commit history for the current branch. |
| `git branch` | Lists, creates, or deletes branches. |
| `git checkout` | Switches between branches or restores files from a specific commit. |
| `git merge` | Combines the changes from one branch into another. |
| `git rebase` | Applies local commits on top of the remote branch, creating a linear commit history. |
| `git pull --rebase` | Fetches remote changes and rebases local commits on top of the remote branch. |
| `git push` | Uploads local commits to the remote repository. |
| `git fetch` | Retrieves the latest changes from the remote repository without merging them. |
| `git stash` | Temporarily saves changes that are not ready to be committed. |
| `git reset` | Undoes local changes or resets the current branch to a specific commit. |
| `git revert` | Creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a previous commit. |
| `git remote` | Manages remote repository connections. |
| `git tag` | Creates, lists, or deletes tags (lightweight or annotated). |
| `git diff` | Shows the differences between commits, branches, or the working directory. |
| `git blame` | Shows who modified each line of a file and when. |



Gustavo Espíndola
Gustavo Espíndola

Written by Gustavo Espíndola

Maker & Senior Product Designer — Co-founder of CodeGPT by Judini AI

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